Egloo candle Refills
Egloo has a specially designed candle from high-quality natural wax and laser-cut cherry wood crackling candle wicks. When Egloo combines the unique Candle with its innovative terracotta construction, this aesthetically pleasing decor can absorb quickly, retain, and gradually release heat into the surrounding area. You can also use this candle-making kit to make your Italia candle of any shape and size! The candle wicks that crackle will be the final class touch !!

Je suis architecte et lorsque je travaille à la maison, je passe de nombreuses heures assise à mon bureau à travailler sur l'ordinateur. J'ai acheté l'Egloo à l'automne et il m'a accompagnée tout l'hiver en rendant mon petit studio plus chaud et l'atmosphère plus agréable et accueillante, grâce aux bougies parfumées et à son design simple et essentiel. Je vous le recommande !
Jag blev fascinerad av det hantverksmässiga kvaliteten hos Egloo. Dess unika och handgjorda design tillför en touch av autenticitet till mitt hem. Varje gång jag tänder Egloo blir atmosfären omedelbart inbjudande och välkomnande. Det är en sann njutning att se hur konst och värme förenas i en enda produkt.
Una de las cosas que amo de Egloo es su versatilidad. Puedo colocarlo en mi escritorio, en la mesita de noche o incluso en la mesa de la sala de estar. Se adapta a cualquier entorno y agrega un toque de calidez y estilo dondequiera que lo coloque. Es un compañero versátil que hace que cualquier espacio sea más agradable y acogedor.
Egloo verleiht meinem Schreibtisch einen Hauch moderner Eleganz. Sein minimalistisches Design passt perfekt zum zeitgenössischen Stil meines Arbeitsbereichs. Neben der Wärmeabgabe ist Egloo ein dekoratives Element, das Aufmerksamkeit erregt und dem Raum ein Gefühl von Raffinesse verleiht.
Was Egloo wirklich besonders macht, ist seine Vielseitigkeit. Es passt perfekt in verschiedene Räume, egal ob du es in deinem Büro, im Wohnzimmer oder sogar in einem kleinen Raum verwendest. Dank seines faszinierenden Designs und seiner Fähigkeit, eine entspannende Atmosphäre zu schaffen, kann Egloo jede Umgebung in einen gemütlichen und angenehmen Raum verwandeln.
Egloo is truly a unique heater. Its exceptional terracotta design seamlessly blends with any decor. In addition to providing warmth and comfort, it is a decorative element that catches everyone's attention. I love turning it on while I work and enjoying the warmth it emits.
If you're one of those who loves sipping a steaming cup of hot chocolate during your work mornings, Egloo is exactly what you need. I recently got this candle-powered heater, and it has made my mornings even more fantastic by keeping my hot chocolate always warm and comforting.
The incredible thing about Egloo is its ability to generate super cozy warmth. Just place your cup of hot chocolate next to Egloo, and it will stay warm and ready to be enjoyed for as long as you want. There's nothing better than savoring a hot and delicious beverage while you work.
I will recommend it to everyone!
Je suis architecte et lorsque je travaille à la maison, je passe de nombreuses heures assise à mon bureau à travailler sur l'ordinateur. J'ai acheté l'Egloo à l'automne et il m'a accompagnée tout l'hiver en rendant mon petit studio plus chaud et l'atmosphère plus agréable et accueillante, grâce aux bougies parfumées et à son design simple et essentiel. Je vous le recommande !
Mi piace moltissimo. Ha una linea molto gradevole da vedere e ben rifinita. Quando non la uso la lascio su un ripiano in sala come soprammobile. Io l'ho comperata perchè mi necessitava di scaldare due zone in casa dove il riscaldamento non arriva a sufficienza: il mio angolo studio ed una zona dove ho un divanetto che uso per leggere alla sera ma che essendo sulla parete opposta di dove è posizionato il calorifero mi lasciava sempre con i piedi e le gambe gelate. Con Egloo non solo ho risolto questi due problemi ma posso anche in sala abbassare di un punto il termostato del calorifero risparmiando sulle spese condominiali di riscaldamento. Ma a parte tutte queste considerazioni Egloo emana un calore estremamente piacevole che mi ricorda molto la stufa in cotto che la mia nonna aveva nella sua casa in campagna...Non è da escludere che per l'inverno prossimo me ne comperi un altro.
I was given Egloo as a Christmas gift. Definitely one of the most appreciated presents! Its usage is simple and incredibly useful! It heats and scents the room for HOURS! Moreover, it is also a very beautiful object to look at! 😀 EXCELLENT PRODUCT.
The design of Egloo is unique and attractive, with its terracotta construction that perfectly complements the decor of my study. In addition to providing warmth, Egloo is also a decorative piece that adds a touch of style and personality to my desk. Every time I light Egloo, it creates a cozy and relaxing atmosphere around me.
It also comes with an external tray that holds water and can be used to diffuse pleasant scents into the surrounding environment, adding a touch of freshness and relaxation to the overall experience.
In conclusion, Egloo has proven to be the perfect companion for tackling cold mornings in my study. I highly recommend Egloo to anyone seeking an elegant and functional way to combat the chilly mornings and enjoy a pleasant working experience.
If, like me, you are one of those who arrives at the work or study desk in the morning with freezing hands, Egloo could be the perfect solution for you. I recently purchased this candle-powered heater, and it has solved my problem of cold hands during the colder days.
The thing that impressed me the most about Egloo is its effectiveness in generating enveloping and comfortable warmth. Just light the candle inside it, and within a few minutes, you will feel the heat gently spreading near you. When I arrive at my desk, I gently place my hands near Egloo, and I can feel the warmth penetrating through my fingers, providing immediate relief to my freezing hands.
Ho recentemente avuto l'opportunità di provare Egloo, un riscaldatore alimentato a candela con funzioni aggiuntive di umidificatore e profumatore d'ambienti.
Ha un design accattivante.
La combinazione di materiali in terracotta e l'attenzione ai dettagli lo rendono un vero e proprio punto focale in qualsiasi stanza. La qualità è evidente, ed apprezzo molto anche il fatto che sia un pezzo di artigianato locale.
Come riscaldatore alimentato a candela, genera un calore delicato ma avvolgente, che crea un'atmosfera accogliente nella stanza. Inoltre, la funzione di umidificatore e profumatore d'ambienti aggiunge piacevolezza all'aria circostante.
É estremamente facile da utilizzare. L'accensione e lo spegnimento sono rapidi e semplici. La manutenzione richiesta è minima, garantendo una comoda esperienza d'uso.
Egloo aggiunge un'atmosfera accogliente e romantica alla mia stanza, quando è accesso lascia una piacevole luce soffusa e sprigiona un odore fantastico nell’aria.. ma è di estrema importanza utilizzarlo con prudenza e responsabilità e tenerlo lontano dalla portata dei bambini. Nel complesso, sono estremamente soddisfatto di Egloo e lo consiglio vivamente come un prodotto di design unico che apporta calore e bellezza alla mia casa.
Me he quedado encantado con mi nuevo tesoro. La combinación de materiales en terracota y el uso de una vela permite que Egloo emane una agradable y delicada fuente de calor que contribuye a crear un ambiente acogedor. Pero eso no es todo: la bandeja externa con agua y gotas de perfume, gracias al calor generado, permite la difusión de la fragancia en el aire circundante. Es realmente una experiencia sensorial completa que combina el calor envolvente con la sutileza de los perfumes, creando una atmósfera relajante y agradable. Egloo es realmente un producto único en su clase.
One of the features that has impressed me the most is the captivating design of Egloo, which creates a unique focal point in any room. Its sleek shape and the use of terracotta material give Egloo a distinctive look that captures the attention of anyone entering the room. Whether it's a living room, bedroom, or study, Egloo instantly transforms into a decorative element of great impact. Its presence adds a touch of style and originality to the surrounding environment, creating a focal point that catches the eye and stimulates conversation. I'm truly delighted to have found a product that not only offers functionality and warmth but also an aesthetic component that enhances every space it's placed in.
Egloo is a perfect example of eco-friendly design. Not only does it provide an alternative and visually striking heating solution, but it does so in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly way. Furthermore, its durability and the possibility of reusing it make Egloo a conscious choice for those seeking sustainable design solutions. I'm glad to have discovered a product that combines elegance, functionality, and a positive ecological footprint.
Egloo ist wirklich ein wunderbares Produkt, das ich gerne ausprobiert habe. Seine raffinierte Terrakottastruktur und sein ansprechendes Design machen es zu einem beeindruckenden Dekorationselement für mein Zuhause. Die Lichtwirkung und die sanfte Wärmeabgabe durch die Kerze sind einfach faszinierend. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass Egloo außer Reichweite von Haustieren und Kindern aufbewahrt werden sollte, um deren Sicherheit zu gewährleisten.
I have the Egloo on a console table by the front door. My friends comment that it looks more like a piece of art than a heater. Great item
This eye-catching terracotta heater has made a big impression on many of my customers. I've received numerous compliments from customers who find Egloo beautiful and unique, appreciating its functionality and aesthetics. Many have even asked me where I purchased it. It's a versatile and one-of-a-kind product, and I'm confident it will continue to bring joy and warmth to many more homes. In fact, some of my customers have already made their purchases and are enjoying their Egloos.
I decided to give my best friend an Egloo as a gift, and it was a great choice! I selected the stylish black version, which perfectly matches their modern decor. They were thrilled when they received it and immediately set it up in their living room. The soft, warm glow created by the Egloo added a cozy ambiance to their space. It's not just a practical gift but also a beautiful piece of design that enhances any room. I'm so happy to have found such a unique and appreciated gift for my friend!
I really like my Egloo. This winter, I bought the natural pack with the Christmas dome. I used my Egloo in the middle of the table for the Christmas family meal. All members of my family really appreciated it! 🥰
I use egloo in my flower shop.. It doesn't make so much heat but it's enough to keep my shop warm and it is very beautiful.